With more than 25 years of experience in the industry and staffed by committed aviation professionals, Avdex strives for nothing less than service excellence.

We are driven by easing obstacles the aviation industry faces in everyday operation. Avdex currently renders two leading services relating to the maintenance tracking of aircraft and management of the administrative functions of any AMO

Our products are user friendly and it is possible for the software to interlink depending on the needs of the client. Avdex products include full initial training and ongoing support by our experienced team

It has a central aircraft maintenance scheduling system – meaning no schedule building required on the client’s side
AMP provides accurate tracking, which helps the operator and AMO with the planning and tracking of aircraft maintenance. This means less down time for the aircraft and more productivity for the AMO. AMP offers a variety of helpful features:
AMP offers a variety of helpful features:

Generates full aircraft status reports based on live maintenance data

Generates work packs

Tracking of component movement and usage of an aircraft

SB’s, AD’s and Manual Revisions tracked by Avdex and notified to client when the AMP Schedule is updated

Online recording of maintenance compliance

Avdex can improve ongoing Aircraft Maintenance Management by assisting PRA and Owners with the capture of maintenance and the forecasting of future requirements.
Avdex will:

Capture maintenance directly from the AMO work pack into AMP and link the CRMA to the compliance

Liaise with the Owner or PRA regarding compliance and outstanding tasks

Assist in the capture of ongoing aircraft usage

Generate a monthly (or more often if required) forecasts of upcoming maintenance and full status reports

Generate a full list of required tasks for the AMO to comply with

Notify Owner or PRA of new AD’s or SB’s and changes to the Factory requirements

AMS is a feature rich AMO administration program, developed in conjunction with and widely used by the local aviation industry
AVDEX AMSlll Presentation
The program aims to take care of the administrative tasks of an AMO

Manage parts purchasing, receipt and tracing

Manage workpacks and task cards

Manage labour spent on workpacks

Print CAA forms and documents and CRMA

Full paperless option with online document storage

Avdex Toolmanager is an aviation workshop tool control application, designed to facilitate easy recording of tool movements from and back to the store. Tool movements can be linked to a calibration action or issued to a person or job.
The Tool manager is natural extension to our other applications assisting maintenance organizations to keep track of aircraft maintenance and tracking of maintenance schedules.
This application was carefully designed to follow the natural path of tool issuing with the minimum interaction required from the user. Full reporting is available to assists users to determine exactly where every tool is and which tools have not been returned as expected. The Tool manager application is effectively a powerful online shadow board, with the added advantage that detailed usage information is available.
Security built into the program allows management to control which users can have access to various functions of the program. It is also designed for as an online cloud based application that will allow users access to the central data base from any location.
Toolmanager offers a variety of helpful features:

Manage tool store

Manage and forecast calibration

Link calibration certification documents

Issue sticker to attach to task card

Interfaces with AMS
Adding a quotation function to the AMS system
The purpose is to prepare a quotation in the same format as the AMS Work Pack. This allows customers to clearly match the quotation with the final AMS documentation. Quotation Tasks may created manually, imported from templates, or imported from AMP scheduled maintenance.
AMS Quote offers a variety of helpful features:

Improve productivity
Obtain prior client approval for work packs
Create RFQ for parts & service orders
Create requisition for parts
Estimate required labour
One of the functions of maintenance planning is to be able to forecast items and tasks becoming due at a future date or time. The time can be aircraft hours, cycles or landings, engines hours or cycles as well as a date for calendar limited items. In preparing a work pack of due items, it is essential to clear items that will become due before the next anticipated schedules inspection. AMP enables users to do this by calculating the average usage of the aircraft and its components, based on the immediate past usage stored in AMP. When printing AMP status reports, Due item lists and Due task cards, it is essential to use the calculate button to reset all due times for components. Users then select the report time period for the forecast ie 1 Month, 2 Months 6 Months or 12 Months to cover the period till the next foreseen scheduled maintenance. Sometimes however, an aircraft may be about to be placed in service where the average usage will increase (or decrease) substantially from the recorded values. AMP users are able to reset the average usage to a pre-set value for the reports. To do this:
- Go to the Usage window in the AMP interface.
- Select the aircraft from the dropdown, and select the ‘Set Average Usage’ tick box.
- Enter the expected average monthly usage in the value fields.
- Press the ‘Submit Usage Averages to database’
- Press the ‘Calculate All Due Dates’
- Go to ‘Reports and print the desired reports.
All due times will be based on the new average usage values entered. Calendar based tasks will always be due by the elapsed calendar time. Hour, Cycle and Landing Tasks will now be forecast by the Average usage as entered. For those Tasks which are due by Hour, Cycle or Landing and Date, and the H/C/L task is forecast is due after the Calendar due date, the Calendar due date will be used as due date. If the H/C/L Task is before the Calendar due date, both dates will be shown as the H/C/L task is the first limiter and can change due to varying usage. To reset Average Usage to AMP calculated values, go to the Usage window in the AMP interface, select the aircraft from the dropdown, and press the ‘Cancel Monthly Average Usage Editing’ button. Recalculate the Aircraft due times
T&T 2004 R2 – 2017/06/15
Registration is done online click here and activated by AMP office, who will give users the required access. This is detailed on the help page to visit this page click here.
It appears there is some misunderstanding in the use of brought forward times.
The balance brought forward field is used when a component is fitted that already has time on it. As the programme assumes zero time at install it is necessary to enter any past usage on a component so it may be deducted from the expected life.
Inspection items and new/overhauled components do not need brought forward times as this will confuse the calculation. Only enter brought forward times if the component has been used since new/overhaul.
i.e. a compass swing cannot be complied with on a specific day and have a brought forward time, however a starter with 200 Hours’ time since overhaul at installation will have the 200 hours entered in the time brought forward field.
Should due times appear incorrect it is suggested that time brought forward for the item be checked.
T&T 2006R1 – 2017/06/15
- Enter utilisation for all maintenance actions. AMP will use the last previous times on, or before the date selected.
- Calculate before printing. AMP does not store due times as hours and average usage varies day to day.
- Use Installation date for installed items and not Date of Overhaul. AMP will use the Hours/Cycles/Landings for the date entered.
- Use movement date for components and items on an engine or prop moved from one aircraft to another or store. Use the brought forward time for these components or items.
- Use the ‘Brought forward’ if items have time or shelf life accumulated.
- To make a Task N/A, use the ‘Status’ selection. Tick the ‘Set as Inactive’ box and enter a comment.
- N/A in AMP means ‘NOT APPLICABLE’ Ever! Do not use N/A if a Task is NOT DUE at the present time.
- Usage incorrectly entered can be removed in ‘Usage – History’. Be aware that compliance may have been captured against these dates.
- When searching for a Task for which the ShareID is not known, select the component in ‘Compliance’ and tick ‘Search’. Search can be made by ShareID, Description or Default Part Number. Carefully select the correct ShareID by scrolling through the search results using the arrows. Make sure the Task selected is the correct one as there may be multiple entries. See the Compliance tree view.
- Average usage can be changed in ‘Usage’ to allow for various predictions. Calculate the Aircraft and then change the average usage by selecting ‘Set Average Usage’. Recalculate in Usage and then print reports to get predictions. To reset Average Usage to AMP calculated values, go to the Usage window in the AMP interface, select the aircraft from the dropdown, and press the ‘Cancel Monthly Average Usage Editing’ button.
- Return signed Schedule change and verification forms to Avdex to confirm acceptance of Schedule or changes.
- Notify AMP office of the Date, TSN, TSO, CSN and CSO for the aircraft and component when major components such as engines and props are overhauled, so that the reference times for can be corrected.
T&T201 R1 – 2017/06/01
In information technology, backup refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. These additional copies are typically called “backups.” Backups are useful primarily for two purposes. The first is to restore a state following a disaster (called disaster recovery). The second is to restore small numbers of files after they have been accidentally deleted or corrupted. Data loss is also very common. 66% of internet users have suffered from serious data loss.
Most people think about backing up data about 10 minutes after it’s too late to do any good. If you realize that you really need a good backup program after your hard disk crashes, you’re setting yourself up for a data disaster. Are you prepared to lose your AMS data?
What would you do if your entire inventory list disappeared tomorrow in a puff of electrons? Do you have backup copies of your electronically stored data or your crucial correspondence?
Naturally, you always have the option of copying important files to removable media. With CD-RW drives and their 650 MB-per-disk capacity, that’s an attractive option. In fact, just about any backup program is preferable to doing nothing and hoping that your data will magically take care of itself.
If you have a server, make sure with your IT dept that the AMS data is included in the backups made on the server.
AMS Backup
AMS has two backup functions.
1 The ‘Archive’ facility is located in ‘Housekeeping – System – Archive’. To make use of the facility, ‘WinZIP’ and ‘Winzip Command line editor’ or the ‘WinRar’ Archive manager need to be loaded. Press the ‘Backup’ button and the WinZIP command line DOS box will open. Press any key to add all the AMS data files to a zip file with the current date and time. Ie ‘AMO200210161522.zip’.
2 The new Avdex FTP backup, which stores data on a secure backed up ftp site. The program can be run from a desktop icon or as a Windows scheduled task The latest version of the backup utility can be downloaded free of charge from the server on this link. Save the file ‘FTPBackup.exe’ to the C:\AMO folder on a PC that has internet access. Load the Winrar program (http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm). Setup a ‘Scheduled Task’ in windows with the command ‘FTPBackup.exe /SCHED’ and set the trigger to be daily at a time when network traffic is minimal (ensure PC is always on and the internet is accessible). Three months of data will be stored by Avdata and backups can be retrieved at any time.
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