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AVDEX respects Application User privacy and is committed to keeping Client personal information secure and confidential.
The Protection of Personal Information Act, Act No. 4 of 2013 (POPIA), which is effective from 1 July 2021, aims to protect the personal data of all persons and further outlines how institutions should safeguard, collect, process, store, share and manage this information.
At AVDEX, we are committed to protecting personal privacy and ensuring transparency in handling personal data. Avdex therefore bring to your attention this Company privacy notice to provide details on how personal information is handled. In short, AVDEX privacy Policy includes:

  • What personal information is collected:

User full name, title, contact details, including for instance email address, business, and mobile telephone numbers.  In the case of the AMSlll application, Clients may enter a user’s LAME details into the database.  This data is used for certification purposes, using the AVDEX SES digital authorisation functions.

  • Why AVDEX collect personal information:


Login details (Username, Job Title, Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and email address) are kept indefinitely for AVDEX AMP so as to provide historical traceability of data entered on behalf of an employer or operator to fulfil the requirements of the relevant Civil Aviation Authorities.

Contact information is stored to allow communication (email, skype & direct phone) by AVDEX with Client users regarding application changes and upgrades as well as data changes to AMP Aircraft Schedules.

Sage Accounting:

User details for Client contact via Sage Accounting is stored in the Sage online application to communicate financial transactions with the Client.

  • How AVDEX collects personal information:

User login personal details are collected at user registration by entering data into prescribed fields.  AMSlll LAME information is entered by the relevant client by entering data into prescribed fields.  The access and storage of this original personal information is the responsibility of the Client.

Personal information entered into the Sage Accounting Application is supplied by the Client for communication purposes.

  • Parties who receive the personal information:

User information is not shared with any persons or organisations.  User information will be shared with the Civil Aviation Regulating Authorities on request if details of linked persons using the AVDEX Applications and the AVDEX SES digital authorisation function are required for CAA oversight functions.

  • Rights as a data subject:

As user information is kept indefinitely, users and past users may formally request from AVDEX what personal data is held and whomever has requested access to the data.

AVDEX will never sell, rent, or trade any user personal information.  Avdex does not use data for automated decision making, such as profiling.

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