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One of the functions of maintenance planning is to be able to forecast items and tasks becoming due at a future date or time. The time can be aircraft hours, cycles or landings, engines hours or cycles as well as a date for calendar limited items.
In preparing a work pack of due items, it is essential to clear items that will become due before the next anticipated schedules inspection. AMP enables users to do this by calculating the average usage of the aircraft and its components, based on the immediate past usage stored in AMP. When printing AMP status reports, Due item lists and Due task cards, it is essential to use the calculate button to reset all due times for components. Users then select the report time period for the forecast ie 1 Month, 2 Months 6 Months or 12 Months to cover the period till the next foreseen scheduled maintenance.
Sometimes however, an aircraft may be about to be placed in service where the average usage will increase (or decrease) substantially from the recorded values. AMP users are able to reset the average usage to a pre-set value for the reports.
To do this:
- Go to the Usage window in the AMP interface.
- Select the aircraft from the dropdown, and select the ‘Set Average Usage’ tick box.
- Enter the expected average monthly usage in the value fields.
- Press the ‘Submit Usage Averages to database’
- Press the ‘Calculate All Due Dates’
- Go to ‘Reports and print the desired reports.
All due times will be based on the new average usage values entered. Calendar based tasks will always be due by the elapsed calendar time. Hour, Cycle and Landing Tasks will now be forecast by the Average usage as entered.
For those Tasks which are due by Hour, Cycle or Landing and Date, and the H/C/L task is forecast is due after the Calendar due date, the Calendar due date will be used as due date. If the H/C/L Task is before the Calendar due date, both dates will be shown as the H/C/L task is the first limiter and can change due to varying usage.
To reset Average Usage to AMP calculated values, recalculate due time or add new usage.