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AMP – Aircraft Document Archive Service

The Avdex Aircraft Maintenance Planning (AMP) system has grown to become a South African Aviation industry standard.  This system is widely used by AMO’s and Operators to track and manage aircraft maintenance.  The Avdex team realized that documentation of aircraft history is critical to ensure an accurate reflection of the status of maintenance.

Record keeping is often a problem when an aircraft changes owner or AMO.  As many aircraft remain on the AMP system when owner or AMO changes, it would be ideal to keep records in a common cloud archive linked to the aircraft through the AMP system.  This central archive has huge benefits to the responsible person involved.   Answering audit queries or verifying maintenance becomes much easier.

The cloud archives are maintained by the AMP users directly and documents, logbooks, work packs, certificates etc. can be added at any time.  An aircraft report is available showing all documents in the archive with a direct link for downloading of the documents at a later stage.

Due to the critical nature of these documents, a secure cloud server has been selected for storage of this data.  Although uploading large files could slow the system down, the total available space for the aircraft archive is unlimited.  Storage space is based on a fair use policy and has no additional cost to the client.  The archive facility is immediately available to all existing users.  Contact Avdex at to activate your account per user login and more detailed instructions for the implementation of an aircraft archive.

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