Introduction The AMS quotation functionality is an optional add-in module to the main program. The…
T&T0014R1 – Mapped Drives for AMS
AMS32 and Status make use of ‘Mapped Drives’ when connecting to data and other folders. This is due to a number of reasons, not the least being a quirk in a report writer that does not see UNC drives. As a universal setup, AvData have used the drive letter ‘Q’ to denote the data directory for AMS and ‘P’ for WinStatus. (The new SQL version of Status does not require this definition) This aids trouble shooting in telephonic support as all AvData drives are ‘Q’ or ‘P’.
When setting up a new PC on a network it is essential that the drive mapping be in place prior to first launching AMS or Status. When selecting the remote folder to ‘Map’, select the folder containing the ‘Data’ folder. ie the one above the data in the tree as shown by Windows. Both the report writers and the data files need to see a folder in the data drive. This means that the data drive cannot be ‘Q’ but must be ‘Q:\Data’. As most installations on servers are done via a full installation, it is then easy to ‘Map’ the ‘AMO’ folder on the server as ‘Q’.
Cleints making use of the ‘Multi Data’ facility must always have the same folders mapped in an identical manner as these paths are stored in a file on the server and will produce warnings if the program sees different paths to the ‘Multi Data’ folders.
The data path for AMS will therefore aleways be ‘Q:\Data’
Preferred method
- Click the Start button
- Right Click on My Computer
- Select Map Network drive…
- Enter the Drive (Q:)
- Browse and select the network folder
- Check Reconnect at logon
- Select Finish
The exact format of the window might differ between operatings systems.