Avdex price increase. As South Africa’s leading AMO software provider we understand the ever-growing demand…
Quotation Interface
The AMS quotation functionality is an optional add-in module to the main program. The purpose is to prepare a quotation in the same format as the Work Pack. This allows customers to clearly match the quotation with the final documentation. The quotation format is similar to the existing Workpack interface.
Quoted selling prices will not be recalculated in the work pack, but costing will be allocated as normal. It is therefore easy to monitor the eventual quotation selling against actual Work pack costing. No additional tasks, spares or services can be added to a Work pack linked to a quotation once authorised.
All three cost components are included in the quotation:
- Parts
- Services
- Labour
Services Purchase Orders will be automatically created on creating the Work Pack and will therefore include costs. Labour will not be detailed to individual staff level, but will only contain the selling and hours per quoted task.
Quotations are created similar to a Work Pack. The customer, aircraft and division must be linked to the quote. The quotation status can be maintained from the Quotation page. The available options are:
- Cancelled
- Draft
- Locked/Authorised
- Successful
- Unsuccessful
During the draft status, the individual selling prices may be adjusted according to the Quote before authorization. Make sure that the Quote values are correct before Authorisation. Once authorized, the quotation is fixed and prices can no longer be adjusted, as it is assumed that the quote has been delivered. All the selling prices are retained to be transferred to the final Work pack. Work packs linked to quotations will accumulate the actual costs as labour, parts and services are added, but the selling price will remain fixed.
The status must be Locked/Authorised before a Work pack can be generated from the quotation page. This will change the status to Successful. No further editing can be done once a Work Pack was created.
Quote Tasks
Quotation Tasks will become Work Pack tasks. Similar to Work Packs, Tasks can be created manually, imported from templates, or imported from AMP Scheduled maintenance tasks. Tasks must be linked to the relevant aircraft components.
While editing tasks, the labour hours and selling prices and other relevant information that will be transferred to the Workpack task must be entered.
It is also possible to create a No-Charge task type. This is useful when task details must be recorded, even if not chargeable.
A Task can also have one service component linked. A Supplier must be linked and service cost as well as service selling price added. When a quotation task, with a service, is converted to a Work Pack, all services Purchase Orders will be created automatically.
Parts will be linked to the quotation, based on the current store selling price. These parts are allocated to the quotation tasks, but not issued. Parts can therefore be allocated regardless of the store stock. A quotation will not adjust the stock levels.
When the quote is converted to a Work pack, all parts in the quote, will automatically be added top the parts requisition list for the stores to action.